Npm install save dev jasmine marbles before writing a test for the component let s look at how marble testing works in general by testing the concat operator.
Install jasmine marbles.
0 3 supports rxjs 6.
0 2 0 supports rxjs 5.
For this article i will use jasmine marbles to add marble testing to my jasmine based unit tests.
Another option would be to use rxjs marbles which can be used with any test framework.
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When executed this method will return an observable of what color the mixer is outputting.
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A required library for unit testing of effects ngrx store freeze.
Browse other questions tagged angular jasmine ngrx effects or ask your own question.
First you will want to open up a terminal and run this npm install command.
To test our colormixer we first need to install a marble testing library.
Protect the immutable of the app state generate ngrx.
The following are dev tools for ngrx npm install jasmine marbles ngrx store freeze generate ngrx ngrx store devtools only dev save brief description.
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Npm install jasmine marbles save dev testing colormixer.
Here we create two observables one and two using the cold helper provided by jasmine marbles if you aren t familiar with hot and cold read this post by ben lesh.
The colormixer has one static method mix that takes observables of whether or not a color is going into the mixer.
A code generator which can speed up your ngrx.
Providing mock actions for testing ngrx actions with jasmine marbles.